trattore Inviato 5 Dicembre 2016 Condividi Inviato 5 Dicembre 2016 mi chiedevo se si può modificare questo plugin, vorrei mettere i link di youtube al posto di caricare file mp3 ecc, è possibile? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <plugin name="Profile Songs" version_long="10000" version_human="1.0.0" author="Luca" website="" update_check=""><hooks><hook type="S" class="\IPS\Theme\class_core_front_profile"><![CDATA[//<?php class hook23 extends _HOOK_CLASS_ { /* !Hook Data - DO NOT REMOVE */ public static function hookData() { return array_merge_recursive( array ( 'profileHeader' => array ( 0 => array ( 'selector' => '#elEditProfile', 'type' => 'add_inside_end', 'content' => '{template="ps_menu" group="plugins" location="global" app="core" params="$member" }', ), ), 'profile' => array ( 0 => array ( 'selector' => '#elProfileInfoColumn > div.ipsAreaBackground_light.ipsPad', 'type' => 'add_inside_end', 'content' => '{template="ps_display" group="plugins" location="global" app="core" params="$member"}', ), ), ), parent::hookData() ); } /* End Hook Data */ }]]></hook><hook type="C" class="\IPS\Member"><![CDATA[//<?php class hook24 extends _HOOK_CLASS_ { /** * Profile Song * * @return \IPS\Helpers\CoverPhoto */ public function profileSong() { try { $song = new \IPS\Helpers\CoverPhoto(); if ($this->kuzi_song_path) { $song->file = \IPS\File::get('core_Profile', $this->kuzi_song_path); } $song->editable = ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission('can_modify_profiles') or ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id == $this->member_id and $this->group['g_edit_profile'] ) ); $song->maxSize = $this->group['g_max_bgimg_upload']; $song->object = $this; return $song; } catch ( \RuntimeException $e ) { if ( method_exists( get_parent_class(), __FUNCTION__ ) ) { return call_user_func_array( 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__, func_get_args() ); } else { throw $e; } } } }]]></hook><hook type="C" class="\IPS\Helpers\CoverPhoto\Controller"><![CDATA[//<?php abstract class hook25 extends _HOOK_CLASS_ { /** * Upload Profile Song * * @return void */ protected function profileSongUpload() { try { $song = $this->_profileSongGet(); if (!$song->editable) { \IPS\Output::i()->error( 'no_module_permission', '2S216/1', 403, '' ); } $form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form('profileSong'); $form->class = 'ipsForm_vertical ipsForm_noLabels'; $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Upload('profile_song', NULL, TRUE, array( 'image' => NULL, 'minimize' => FALSE, 'maxFileSize' => ($song->maxSize and $song->maxSize != -1) ? $song->maxSize / 1024 : NULL, 'storageExtension' => $this->_coverPhotoStorageExtension(), 'allowedFileTypes' => array('mp3', 'ogg', 'wav') ) ) ); if ($values = $form->values()) { try { $song->delete(); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { } $this->_profileSongSet( new \IPS\Helpers\CoverPhoto($values['profile_song'], 0 )); \IPS\Output::i()->redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } \IPS\Output::i()->output = $form->customTemplate( array( call_user_func_array( array( \IPS\Theme::i(), 'getTemplate' ), array( 'forms', 'core' ) ), 'popupTemplate' ) ); } catch ( \RuntimeException $e ) { if ( method_exists( get_parent_class(), __FUNCTION__ ) ) { return call_user_func_array( 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__, func_get_args() ); } else { throw $e; } } } /** * Remove Profile Song * * @return void */ protected function profileSongRemove() { try { \IPS\Session::i()->csrfCheck(); $song = $this->_profileSongGet(); if (!$song->editable) { \IPS\Output::i()->error( 'no_module_permission', '2S216/2', 403, '' ); } try { $song->delete(); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { } $this->_profileSongSet( new \IPS\Helpers\CoverPhoto( NULL, 0 ) ); if ( \IPS\Request::i()->isAjax() ) { \IPS\Output::i()->json( 'OK' ); } else { \IPS\Output::i()->redirect( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ); } } catch ( \RuntimeException $e ) { if ( method_exists( get_parent_class(), __FUNCTION__ ) ) { return call_user_func_array( 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__, func_get_args() ); } else { throw $e; } } } protected function _profileSongSet( \IPS\Helpers\CoverPhoto $song ) { try { $this->member->kuzi_song_path = (string) $song->file; $this->member->save(); } catch ( \RuntimeException $e ) { if ( method_exists( get_parent_class(), __FUNCTION__ ) ) { return call_user_func_array( 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__, func_get_args() ); } else { throw $e; } } } protected function _profileSongGet() { try { return $this->member->profileSong(); } catch ( \RuntimeException $e ) { if ( method_exists( get_parent_class(), __FUNCTION__ ) ) { return call_user_func_array( 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__, func_get_args() ); } else { throw $e; } } } } ]]></hook></hooks><htmlFiles><html filename="ps_display.phtml">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</html><html filename="ps_menu.phtml">PGlwczp0ZW1wbGF0ZSBwYXJhbWV0ZXJzPSIkbWVtYmVyIiAvPgp7eyRwcm9maWxlU29uZyA9ICRtZW1iZXItPnByb2ZpbGVTb25nKCk7fX0KPGxpPgogIDxhIGhyZWY9JyNwc19tZW51JyBkYXRhLWhpZGVPblBiZ0VkaXQgY2xhc3M9J2lwc0J1dHRvbiBpcHNCdXR0b25fb3ZlcmxhaWQnIGRhdGEtaXBzTWVudSBpZD0nZWxFZGl0UHMnIGRhdGEtcm9sZT0ncHNPcHRpb25zJz4KICAgIDxpIGNsYXNzPSdmYSBmYS1tdXNpYyc+PC9pPiZuYnNwOzxzcGFuIGNsYXNzPSdpcHNSZXNwb25zaXZlX2hpZGVQaG9uZSBpcHNSZXNwb25zaXZlX2lubGluZSc+Jm5ic3A7Jm5ic3A7UHJvZmlsZSBTb25nIDxpIGNsYXNzPSdmYSBmYS1jYXJldC1kb3duJz48L2k+PC9zcGFuPgogIDwvYT4KICA8dWwgY2xhc3M9J2lwc01lbnUgaXBzTWVudV9hdXRvIGlwc0hpZGUnIGlkPSdlbEVkaXRQc19tZW51Jz4KICAgIHt7aWYgJHByb2ZpbGVTb25nLT5maWxlfX0KICAgICAgPGxpIGNsYXNzPSdpcHNNZW51X2l0ZW0nIGRhdGEtcm9sZT0icHNPcHRpb24iPgogICAgICAgIDxhIGhyZWY9J3skbWVtYmVyLT51cmwoKS0+c2V0UXVlcnlTdHJpbmcoICdkbycsICdwcm9maWxlU29uZ1JlbW92ZScgKS0+Y3NyZigpfScgZGF0YS1hY3Rpb249J3JlbW92ZVByb2ZpbGVTb25nJz5SZW1vdmUgU29uZzwvYT4KICAgICAgPC9saT4KICAgIHt7ZW5kaWZ9fQogICAgPGxpIGNsYXNzPSdpcHNNZW51X2l0ZW0nPgogICAgICA8YSBocmVmPSd7JG1lbWJlci0+dXJsKCktPnNldFF1ZXJ5U3RyaW5nKCAnZG8nLCAncHJvZmlsZVNvbmdVcGxvYWQnICl9JyBkYXRhLWlwc0RpYWxvZyBkYXRhLWlwc0RpYWxvZy10aXRsZT0iVXBsb2FkIFNvbmciPlVwbG9hZCBTb25nPC9hPgogICAgPC9saT4KICA8L3VsPgo8L2xpPgo=</html></htmlFiles><cssFiles><css filename="ps_style.css">LnBzX2F1ZGlvIHsKICB3aWR0aDogMTAwJTsKfQoKLnBzX2F1ZGlvOjotd2Via2l0LW1lZGlhLWNvbnRyb2xzLXBhbmVsIHsKICBiYWNrZ3JvdW5kOiAjN0I3QjdCOwogIGJvcmRlcjogMXB4IHNvbGlkICNCNUI1QjU7CiAgYm9yZGVyLXJhZGl1czogMDsKfQo=</css></cssFiles><jsFiles/><resourcesFiles/><lang/><versions><version long="10000" human="1.0.0"><![CDATA[//<?php /* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */ if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) ) { header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' ); exit; } /** * Install Code */ class ips_plugins_setup_install { /** * ... * * @return array If returns TRUE, upgrader will proceed to next step. If it returns any other value, it will set this as the value of the 'extra' GET parameter and rerun this step (useful for loops) */ public function step1() { \IPS\Db::i()->addColumn('core_members', array( 'name' => 'kuzi_song_path', 'type' => 'VARCHAR', 'length' => 255, 'null' => FALSE, 'default' => '', 'comment' => 'Profile song path.' )); return TRUE; } // You can create as many additional methods (step2, step3, etc.) as is necessary. // Each step will be executed in a new HTTP request } ]]></version></versions></plugin> Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
mi chiedevo se si può modificare questo plugin, vorrei mettere i link di youtube al posto di caricare file mp3 ecc, è possibile?
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